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Taming A Jock (Part 2)

I was on pins and needles for days waiting for Tony to announce to the baseball team that he caught me whacking off in the shower. 

But to my surprise, he said nothing. The silence was deafening. In some sense, constantly worrying about when and how Tony would embarrass and humiliate me was the worst part. Hell, if the roles had been reversed, I would have broadcast it to the world the first chance I got. It was possible Tony told some guys privately, but if he had done that I surely would have heard about it. Immediately. Guys on the team wouldn't have kept quiet on something as spectacularly stupid as me beating my meat in the shower.

My worries about Tony were pushed to the back burner as our baseball playoffs loomed. Only sixteen teams were still alive for the state championship. Four wins separated us from being state champions.

Unfortunately, even winning one game was a long shot as we drew the best team in the state for our first game. They had an awesome pitcher, Jason Palmer. The major league baseball draft was coming up in June and it was rumored that Palmer would be picked in the first round. The dude had a fastball that high school kids couldn't hit, and unlike a lot of high school pitchers who throw hard, the guy could control his stuff. Oh, and he had a killer curve ball and a wicked slider, too. No high school pitchers possessed that arsenal.

I have no idea why, but I was on fire during the game. I made a couple of spectacular plays in the field, robbing Palmer's team of some sure hits and at least two runs, and at the plate, Palmer's pitches didn't seem all that fast. I'd always been a good fastball hitter, although I'd never faced a pitcher who threw as hard as the stud on the mound that day. But everything seemed to slow down for me.

I hit an early home run, a rare event for me, but I caught a fast ball Palmer left in the middle of the plate and hit it just right. I'm sure he wanted that mistake back. That slam gave me confidence the next couple of times I faced Palmer. I singled and doubled, although I was stranded on base both times because the rest of our team couldn't hit for shit.

Late in the game I hit a ball into the gap in between center field and right. I sprinted the entire way, barely beating the throw into third base. I dove head first and ate a mouthful of dirt as I slid into third. A dirty uniform was a sign of going all out on our team, and I certainly had that down. I didn't focus on it at the time, but I had hit for a cycle against the best pitcher in the state: single, double, triple and home run. Because you have to be fast to leg out triples, it was hugely unlikely that Tony would ever match my feat. And he certainly wouldn't do it against Palmer; Tony hadn't been on base all day.

Still, I was 90 feet from home with the score tied 1-1. Palmer was a lefty, and he probably never had to worry about holding guys on third base. I noticed that he wasn't paying close attention to me and took a huge lead off the bag. I was toast if he actually threw to third to pick me off.

To protect against a run scoring, the other team's coach had pulled in the infield. Tony was at the plate and every team in the state knew he pulled the ball to right field. So the other team's third baseman had shifted toward second base. I was halfway thinking of trying to steal home, although it was a bonehead move and the coach would have killed me if I had gotten thrown out.

I was saved from making that stupid decision when Tony struck out. It was our second out of the inning, but the other team's poor catcher, who probably had sore hands for days after catching Palmer's fireballs, dropped the pitch and it squirted a few feet away from him. Tony saw the catcher's mistake and took off running for first. Coach was always on us to run all out regardless of how hopeless it looked. Tony breaking for first meant the catcher had to throw to the base to get Tony out. He should have let Tony reach base and protected home, but throwing on a play like that is instinctive. As soon as I saw the catcher pick up the ball and look toward first, I broke for home. I slid across home base and scored easily, and we won, 2-1. I kidded Tony for days afterwards that we wouldn't have won the game if he hadn't struck out.

Before the game, one of our guys who played a lot of soccer was talking about how soccer players took their jerseys off after the game. On the spur of the moment, I said we should do the same if we won ñ I called it a shirtless celebration. As usual, I was mostly looking for another opportunity to show off my abs and chest, but Tony was perfectly happy to show off too, so he jumped on my idea and the rest of the team signed on. When we won, the shirtless celebration was on and the local paper had an awesome picture of the team mobbing me. With my happy smile, bleached, surfer-blond hair, bare chest and washboard abs, it might have been the best picture of me ever taken. Coach was kinda old school and wasn't very happy, and the other team thought we were jerks, but hey, it was fucking awesome to win.

I was still pumped up on the school bus heading back from the game when Lang, our best pitcher, dropped into the seat next to me. Lang had giant hands, which gave him the ability to grip a baseball almost anyway he wanted. The dude didn't throw as hard as Palmer, but with leverage from his long arms, he could bring plenty of heat. He had, after all, held Palmer's team to one run during the game, becoming the only pitcher to beat Palmer during the year. Of course, with my help on defense.

Lang was one of Tony's best friends, going back to the time they attended East Middle School. For that reason alone, I never palled around with Lang, but he was alright. He was a tall, lanky redhead. In a baseball uniform he looked like a string bean, but out of the uniform he was surprisingly muscular, although he seemed to be all shoulders, arms and hands. He wasn't bad looking if you liked freckles and didn't mind red pubes. At least Lang kept them trimmed, but the dude had a long dick and the shorter he cut his pubes, the longer his cock looked. The guys on the baseball team nicknamed him `Lang Long Dong.'

Lang sitting down to talk to me seemed routine. What I didn't know was that he was about to set me up for the most momentous and life-changing event in my 17, almost 18, years. Lang merely said "Dude, you were awesome today." Well, yes, I was.

"Thanks, dude," I replied to Lang, still basking in glory. "You pitched a pretty good game yourself."

We exchanged a few more comments about the game ñ I had to get in a dig about Tony striking out ñ before Lang, suddenly serious, said, "Um, dude, there's something I gotta tell you."

Puzzled, I asked, "So, what is it?"

"So, uh, it's about your friend Tyhcinn," Lang whispered.


This sounded like one of Tony's tricks. "Tyhcinn? Why do you think he's my friend?" I asked. My response came off a little more defensive than I wanted. It was true Tyhcinn and I had been best friends for years while we were growing up. We had spent so much time together that we were known simply as the `two Tys,' although only I went by Ty; Tyhcinn went by Tyce. But in high school I had dropped Tyhcinn as a friend.

I really liked Tyhcinn and we always had fun together, but there was a major problem. Tyhcinn was a geek. A nerd. He was smarter than all get out, but that and the fact he hung with the other brains doomed him on the high school social scale. I was a jock, and jocks didn't hang with geeks. I wasn't merely any jock, I was co-captain of the football team, not to mention the fact that I had just hit an amazing cycle in the state baseball playoffs. And, ahem, prom king, too.

I felt kinda bad about pointedly ignoring Tyhcinn in school, even dumping on him on more than one occasion, but I didn't have much choice. Outside of school, when nobody would notice, I was nice to him, and since our families spent a lot of time together, Tyhcinn and I were still around each other frequently. He never said anything about the way I treated him in school. I think he understood the reason why and was cool with it. I mean, I didn't really have any good options.

"Well," Lang said, "I mean, because you and Tyhcinn used to be friends." I frowned, wondering where this was headed.

"Anyway," Lang continued. "Melissa has a cousin who's a freshman at Summit Heights College. So, get this, Melissa's cousin is gay, and Melissa told Tony and me that her cousin and Tyhcinn dated for two or three months this spring. Not only dated, but they did it on the first date." He grimaced and added, "I mean, I guess they butt fucked each other. Anyway, they were like sleeping together and fucking each other every weekend."

I wasn't surprised that Melissa would be talking to Lang, because Lang and Tony did a lot of double dating, and Melissa was friends with Lang's girlfriend. I never figured out what Lang saw in the girl, but each to their own. What surprised me was the idea that geeky Tyhcinn was gay, had a boyfriend in college and apparently got as much sex as he wanted. Damn.

Lang bent toward me, whispering. "Melissa's cousin told her that the most awesome thing about Tyhcinn was the amazing blow jobs he gave. Said the boy's big black lips were something else when they wrapped around a stiff cock. Dude can deep throat any hard cock. But Melissa's cousin broke up with Tyhcinn when he caught Tyhcinn in the dorm shower ñ get this ñ blowing three college dudes. Turned out Tyhcinn had sucked off like half the guys in the freshman dorm, and they were all raving about Tyhcinn's talented mouth. So I guess your bud Tyhcinn is one helluva great cocksucker."

I was annoyed that Lang had referred to Tyhcinn as my bud, but I was too stunned to say anything. Tyhcinn didn't really come off as gay, but as I quickly contemplated the situation, he hadn't dated girls. Of course, none of the geeks dated girls, so that didn't really count for much. Tyhcinn had never said anything to me about being gay, but then I hadn't said anything to him, either.

I recovered long enough to reply, "So, like, why do I care about this?"

"Well," Lang said slowly. "I just thought you should know about Tyhcinn because you used to hang out with him a lot. I mean, back in middle school. And, uh, kids are gonna figure that if Tyhcinn is a great cocksucker now, he didn't get there overnight, so he's probably been practicing for years. Dudes will think Tyhcinn must have been sucking your cock back then. Jus thought you should know, in case somebody says something." Lang shrugged and got up to return to his seat, leaving me to stare as he disappeared.

We still had an hour on the bus before getting home, and I couldn't get the thought that Tyhcinn might be gay out of my mind. It wasn't so much that he might be gay, but that he gave awesome blow jobs. The more I thought about Tyhcinn going down on a guy, the more my teenaged cock, which had a mind of its own anyway, responded, pressing against my jock strap and my baseball pants.

I envisioned Tyhcinn still wearing the thick glasses he always wore, his dark eyes gazing up at me as my white cock sank into his puffy black lips. Damn! Maybe I had missed a golden opportunity with the dude. Jeez, think of all the time I spent with the guy. I could have been getting blow jobs instead of dorking around playing video games. A blow job from a dude with a talented mouth. Who had half a dorm of college freshman raving about his cocksucking skills. Fuck!

At school, I managed to get through the showers without popping a boner, but as soon as I was in my car headed home, my mind wandered back to Tyhcinn sucking cock. Fucking A! The little slut had apparently been sucking dick for a while and according to the story Lang heard, he was damn good at it.

I couldn't make it home before pulling into a deserted parking lot, sliding my finger into my ass and fisting my cock into an amazing orgasm. Damn, I thought my cock would never stop rifling cum onto my abs. Another mess to clean up. At least this time I had my gym bag with a smelly jock that I could use to mop up the spunk. For some stupid reason, I brought my damp jock up to my nose and smelled. I got a noseful of stale jock sweat and fresh boy cum. I should have been grossed out, but it was kinda hot. I sniffed it a couple of times, then stuffed it back in my bag and decided not to give it to my mom to wash. At least right away.

Mom had dinner ready as soon as I walked in the door. As I sat down with my parents to eat, my ass was still tingling from being massaged by my finger and it sort of felt like my dick was a little wet, still leaking cum. We went through the perfunctory rehash of the day's events. My dad wanted to talk about our big baseball game and the end of the season ñ one more game to get into the semifinals and then two games to win it all next weekend. We stood a chance of being state champions, and with the ace pitcher in the state out of the way, it was doable.

My mom wanted to talk about plans for my upcoming graduation. Geesh!

Dad raised the subject of the lake cabin. For years, I begged my parents to let me take some friends up to our cabin for overnight. The cabin was small, only two bedrooms and a single bath, but the idea of a wild party with my friends was alluring. My parents had always resisted, but this spring, probably with the realization that I was going to be 18 soon and would be on my own in college in the fall, they had relented. They probably figured it was safer for me and my friends to get trashed at the cabin, where we wouldn't have to drive anywhere, rather than drink at a party somewhere and then try to drive home. Whatever the reason, a few weeks ago my parents had agreed that I could invite some friends over Memorial Day.

I hadn't actually gotten around to inviting anyone even though Memorial Day weekend was only two weeks away. That wasn't unusual, because nobody in high school planned things more than a week in advance, unless it was something like prom. But the main reason I hadn't invited anyone was that I was deterred by the reality of what would probably happen. The first guy I invited would, of course, want to bring his girlfriend. Which meant everybody would want to bring a girlfriend, so I had to invite one, too. Rather than getting drunk and partying with my buds, the weekend would turn into getting drunk and chasing pussy. The two bedrooms in the cabin would need revolving doors and the front porch would see plenty of action, too. A year ago I would have eagerly gone for that. But now, having come to the realization that I was gay, it didn't sound so good.

"We're going to want to know exactly who you'll be inviting to the cabin, Tyler," my father said sternly. Like that would actually matter. I could guarantee that a boatload of kids who I hadn't invited would show up anyway.

"Okay," I said, bowing to the inevitable. "I haven't invited anyone yet."

I had a sudden, inspired flash of brilliance. "Actually," I blurted out, "I was thinking of just inviting Tyhcinn up." That would be perfect. Alone with him for a long weekend, I would certainly be able to lure him into displaying his cocksucking skills and blowing me. The weather was going to be warm enough that I would stay shirtless the whole weekend. If Tyhcinn was gay, he wouldn't be able to resist my hot body. My dick, despite spewing a load on the way home, stirred in my shorts.

"Why, that's a wonderful idea, Tyler," my mom replied. "The two of you used to have so much fun at the lake when you were kids. We're seeing the Lomands for dinner tomorrow, and you can talk to Tyhcinn about it then!"

My father's faint frown suggested he was less enamored with the idea than my mom. He didn't like the idea of his jock, football-star son hanging out with a loser geek. Because Tyhcinn was black, my father never came right out and said anything negative, but he was always steering me toward friends who were other jocks. But given my mom's reaction, he wasn't going to say anything. And he had to be relieved that nothing bad would happen at the cabin, like a girl getting knocked up or someone's parents calling to complain about booze or dope.

Amazingly, we won our baseball game the next day and we were one of four teams to head to the semifinals next week. We had beaten the best team in the state in our first game, so our second game of the playoffs was actually easier. Our pitchers were hot and, for the most part, we were hitting the ball well. Certainly a lot better than we had against Jason Palmer, the ace fireballer we faced in the first game. There was a reasonable chance that a state championship might happen. It would be like the first time my high school had won any sports championship in something like 30 years.

Before discovering that Tyhcinn was an all-star cocksucker, I had dreaded the night at the Lomand's, but after finding out that key fact, I was all over a night with him. Dinner was great ñ Mrs. Lomand was an awesome cook, and as was expected, Tyhcinn and I split after dessert to play video games.

If you saw a picture of Tyhcinn without his glasses, you wouldn't necessarily take him for a geek. Just a skinny high school dude, but most high school dudes are skinny, and Tyhcinn actually had a pretty good upper body. His legs, however, were like sticks. And put the glasses on and Tyhcinn's inner geek gushed out. The way he talked and acted screamed `NERD ALERT!"

All night long, I kept looking for signs that Tyhcinn was gay and an accomplished cocksucker. He seemed the same as always, bookish and boring as fuck. We played a few games, and I decided to pump Tyhcinn for answers.

"Hey, Tyce, we don't hang much together, which is a shame. I take responsibility. Football and baseball are a fucking full time job. And being in the state playoffs and all only makes it worse. But what's going on with you? You seeing anyone now?"

I wasn't really expecting to get the story of his college boyfriend, actually ex-boyfriend, but Tyhcinn grinned, his white teeth standing out in his black face, and said, "Eh, same old same old for me. What about you?"

I had to think for a second about who I considered my current girlfriend, or, failing that, which high school girl assumed that she and I were dating. I came up with a blank. "Ah, you know, kinda in between things right now."

I quickly sensed an opportunity to plant a hint that I'd be interested in a blow job. "It's the shits, dude. I need a good way to dump ball juice, and I ain't got that now. Chicks can't be counted on anyway. As soon as you get far enough with them, they're on the rag or feeling virtuous or whatever the fuck. Amazing how many girls play along and get you hard and then won't mouth it, let alone let you fuck them."

A faint smile crossed Tyhcinn's face. But he didn't come out and volunteer to help with my problem, merely replying, "Yeah." As if he had ever gotten far enough with a girl to even get turned down for a blow job. Of course, the current situation wasn't ripe for a blow job anyway. Even if Tyhcinn begged me to let him suck my cock right then and there, I couldn't take him up on the offer because I knew my parents would be ready to leave any minute.

"Tyce, I've been meaning to ask you," I said, all friendly. "Just been so fucking busy. You interested in coming up to the lake house over Memorial Day in two weeks? The rents finally are gonna let me invite a friend up for the weekend, and, you know, I was thinking that you and I go back a long way and we really should get caught up. Could be a lot of fun."

Tyhcinn gave me a knowing smile. I assumed he would be flattered to be asked to spend time with the high school's reigning prom king and sports hero, but it was almost like he expected the invitation. "That'd be great, dude," Tyhcinn responded. "Sounds awesome. Looking forward to it."

We killed some more time playing a video game and soon my parents summoned me to go home. But my trap was set. A weekend with Tyhcinn. The geek wouldn't believe his luck when he got to blow me. I had to work out exactly how I would bring it up if he didn't raise it first, but I had two weeks. My old buddy would be wrapping those luscious lips around my cock and swallowing my nut juice before I knew it.

The baseball team was partying at Lang's house that night, and after we got home from the Lomand's, my father let me go for a while, over my mom's objections. Most of the dudes had invited their girlfriends and the party was mostly an excuse to make out. Melissa and Tony were there, and Melissa seemed really happy to see me. I thought about putting the moves on her. Maybe if I got her alone, I could find out more about her cousin and Tyhcinn's cocksucking abilities. But in the back of my mind was the fear that Tony could still expose me as a shower wanker, so I didn't want to take the chance of pissing him off. It would be bad enough if he told the baseball team about it, but telling everyone at the party would be disastrous. I only stayed at Lang's for an hour or so. At least my mom would be happy that I was being so responsible.

Back home, I kept thinking about Tyhcinn's mouth swallowing my cock in a couple of weeks. I popped on the computer and read two more chapters of the profporn story, which only served to give me a raging hard-on.

I was totally ready to coax a load from my big balls when I spotted an old-time glass Coke bottle that I kept on one of my shelves. I had the sudden inspiration of seeing what it felt like in my ass. It wasn't a dildo like the Danish guy in the porn video had used on his hole, but worth a try.

I greased the Coke bottle up with baby oil, my preferred lube. I eased the top of the bottle into my ready hole and gasped as the hard glass pressed against my prostate. Rotating and jabbing the bottle in my hole felt amazing. I forgot about my cock for a few minutes, other than stroking it here and there, as I played with my ass.

I finally squatted down over the Coke bottle and sank it farther into my ass. My hole felt stretched and wonderful. I whacked off a load with my ass impaled on the Coke bottle, but left the bottle in until I got hard again, which didn't take long. I knew my second load would come even quicker than the first, and in no time another load of jizz was splattering from my dick. Weirdly, the second load may have been bigger than the first. My spunk spurted into the air in a graceful white ribbon of cum, leaving me gasping and drained. But damn did my ass feel good.

Afterward I wondered just how stupid I had been. What if the damn Coke bottle had broken inside my ass? I needed to get a big dildo like the Danish ballet dancer had rammed in his ass.

But I needed a dude to take care of my cock, to suck the cum from my balls. I was two weeks away from my old buddy Tyhcinn performing exactly that service for me. I couldn't wait.

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