That night, Dylan and I went from being two guys who had hooked up a few times to full on, though unofficial, boyfriends, and he was unlike anyone I had ever been with before.
On the one hand, Dylan was possessive. He wanted me to be with him when he wasn't at work or in school, and he wanted me to be next to him when we were hanging out. His hands were always on my shoulder, my back, grabbing at my ass, and he was constantly trying to kiss me. When we were in public,
it was a little embarrassing. At the same time, it got me hot every single time. When he slipped his hand into my pants as we walked down the street, it put me in the mood for more, and he was always demanding about sex. If he wanted a blow-job and I didn't pick up on his signals, he would grab my neck and pull my head into his junk.
At the same time, despite his possessiveness, his aggression, and his constant cockiness, he was the most loving and romantic guy I'd ever dated. He was affectionate, caring, and, well, into me. Things got serious fast, and I soon realized I was ignoring the rest of my life.
I ran into Jordan at the gym after about two weeks of being holed up in either my bedroom or Dylan's. He grabbed my neck and rubbed my hair before saying, "Looks like Dylan finally got sick of you."
"Uh," I said, "I guess we've both sort of disappeared."
"Married yet?"
"You're just jealous because you lost your wing man."
"Gotta say, Dylan falls for guys hard, but never this hard. He's all bound up in you."
I blushed. I had never felt this way. I'd dated some guys, but with Dylan I felt like a cartoon character with hearts in my eyes and a throbbing chest.
The following night I went to Dylan's place to watch the NBA Finals. Dylan was wearing jeans and a t-shirt like always. He was spread out on one end of the couch, his body open and wide. I put a six pack of beer on the table and sat down next to him. Dylan put his arm around me and pulled me into him, kissing at my neck.
We watched the first quarter of the game, and as usual Dylan was handsy as hell. Jordan came home from the gym around halftime. He had run the two miles back to the apartment, and sweat dripped down the sides of his chiseled face. A thick vein ran from the base of his wrist, up over his bicep, and over his shoulder into his chest. His long hair, normally blown out or styled, was damp and pushed behind his ears. His hat was on backwards and he smiled widely as soon as he walked in. He strutted over to the couch and dropped himself between Dylan and I.
Jordan put one hand around each of our necks. It only took a few seconds for his pit sweat to soak through the fabric of my t-shirt. His warm, moist aroma spread over me. I looked over at Dylan, who rolled his eyes, and then grabbed his crotch.
Jordan turned to me and whispered in my ear, "You know what I know that you don't know?"
"I know that if I want to get a blow-job from Dylan it requires sweat and a third guy. This guy never tells anyone, but he's a sucker for jocks. He can't get enough of a guy's hard body, throbbing from a workout, dripping with heat, sweat, and testosterone. He'll pretend to ignore me, but he's going to be on my dick within an hour."
Then he ran his tongue around the inside of my ear.
When the quarter ended, we all walked to the kitchen to get more beer, and I could see that Dylan had a healthy bulge in his pants. He winked and I knew that he would fuck me senseless when he got a chance. His sexual energy didn't have a maximum. It just kept building up until he got some release.
Jordan pulled Dylan close. I had never seen Dylan caught off guard before, but I could tell that Jordan was getting to him and he didn't want me to know. He didn't want his manhood called into question in front of his new guy. Here he was, a huge top, all aggression and control, and a sweaty stud like Jordan had him squirming.
"Look at you two, sitting here with hard-ons. Maybe we should play around."
I had my phone out and was trying to get a shot of Jordan in his gear; he looked too beautiful to let the moment pass. Before I could snap the photo, Dylan reached across the couch and grabbed my phone from my hands. He bounded off the couch, smoothed out his shorts and started to look through my pictures.
"Dude," I said standing up, "We don't know each other well enough for you to be digging in there."
"What'd you think I'll find? It's not like I haven't seen you with a dick in your mouth."
I reached out to take the phone back from Dylan but he passed it to Jordan. I then reached for Jordan and he passed it back to Dylan. I paused, recognizing that Dylan had done this to take the attention away from his cock, which was still tenting the front of his pants. It was the kind of game that Dylan loved. On the one hand it was old-fashioned ribbing. On the other, he got to humiliate me by treating me like a child.
I decided to end the game by rushing Jordan to get the phone. As soon as I did, he wrestled me to the floor. I'm fairly well matched with Jordan, but soon Dylan was in the game too. He held me down, squeezing me to the floor and pushing down my shoulders. I had two hundred and fifty pounds of man on top of me, grinding my body into the floor. Jordan was looking down at me, laughing. I wasn't sure if I was going to blush or blow a load in my shorts, but I was ready for this to end.
"I give up," I said with a smile. I leaned up and kissed Dylan, "You win."
"I win" Jordan said. "I've got two guys on the floor in front of me and both of them are bonafide cocksuckers" Jordan pawed the lump of flesh between his legs and his gym shorts didn't hide any of the details. When he slipped the waistband down, I saw the top of a jockstrap.
I was soon on my knees with Dylan behind me. He grabbed my head and pushed it into Jordan's crotch. He rubbed my face into the damp fabric, pushing me up underneath Jordan's nuts and deep into his crack. Jordan almost fell over, but stabilized himself and soon his hand was on the back of my head too. Then Dylan's fingers dug into my hair and pulled me out into the cool air. He squatted down and kissed me, running his nose all over my chin and cheeks.
"You smell like cock, dude. Better watch it or guys are going to get the wrong idea."
"Yeah," Jordan said, "You wouldn't want anyone to find out your big secret."
Dylan joined in. "Big man, walks around like he's a beast, but in the end, he's got a cock hunger that can only be filled by a studs like us."
"Dude," Jordan said suddenly. "I didn't tell you about the best part of getting a blow-job from this dude. I made him bark like a dog. The fucker literally looked up at me and barked in order to get a taste of my dick."
"Really?" Dylan said looking down at me. "I mean, I knew you were sort of a bitch in the bedroom, but barking? You're more fucked up than I thought."
He rubbed my head quickly, smiling to let me know that he was joking around rather than criticizing me.
Jordan laughed and then walked out of the room. He came back in holding a dildo in his hand. It was one of the cheap rubber kinds, and I didn't ask why he had it. He tossed it across the room and then looked at me.
That was it. Just one word. Dylan stared at me. I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it. Before I'd met these two guys, I had entertained a few submissive fantasies, but I had never considered acting on them. The only time I even bottomed was with guys I dated. Yet, when Dylan opened me up, he did something to me. It was like a floodgate opened in my mind. Now, I got off on it. The humiliation of fetching a dildo for a twenty-five year old stud got me going.
I crawled across the room on my hands and knees and picked up the dildo in my mouth. Then I bounded back to Jordan and dropped it at his feet. Jordan smiled from ear to ear while Dylan shook his head.
"What do you think, dude?" Jordan said to Dylan, "I think I should get him a leash or something. Do you think I could teach him to get me a beer?"
"He already brings you beer. Fuck, I'll get you a beer. You don't have to treat my man like a bitch in order to get beer."
"Seriously?" Jordan said, "You treat this guy like you own him, but I make him fetch me a dildo like a dog and you're pissed?"
"You want him to be your dog, have at it. I'm just saying it's not my thing. He's not my bitch, he's my man." Dylan grabbed my chin and stared into my eyes, "My man" he said emphasizing the first word.
Dylan lifted me up to my feet. He kissed me hard on the mouth, shoving his tongue between my teeth, shoveling his spit in with it. It was a wet, sloppy kiss, and I felt completely invaded by him. When he pulled away he looked me in the eyes for a moment.
"Yours." I said softly.
In a flash his hand was in my pants, rubbing my cock and reaching for my balls. "Don't forget it," then he looked at Jordan, "You can make him bark and shit, but you're not going to collar him. If a collar ever goes around this neck, I'm going to be the one to put it on."
"Got it." Jordan said.
Dylan bounded off into the kitchen to grab a beer and while he was gone, Jordan looked at me. "You know, he's never been this possessive. Usually after three weeks, he's ready to give a guy up. He's into you."
"It's freaking me out." I said.
"You're not into him?"
"Totally into him. I just don't get it. I've never felt, I don't know, I've never been with a guy who is this into me. I'm worried I'm going to fuck it up."
Dylan walked back in. "Stop talking about me." He tossed Jordan a beer and then as he got closer, he put a hand on the middle of his broad chest and shoved him backward into the couch. Then he pushed me onto the couch too. Without a word, Dylan dropped to his knees and pulled Jordan's shorts down. He was wearing a gray cotton jock and there was a dark blotch that covered about a quarter of it. The guy pulled amazing boners, thick wet ones. Dylan fished it out of the pouch and slipped it into his mouth. He started to suck on the tip, with Jordan moaning, and soon one of Jordan's hands was on his shoulder. I watched as Jordan massaged Dylan's shoulders and back, never taking control, but maintaining some contact and giving something back.
Jordan leaned forward and pulled his shirt off. Then he grabbed my head and shoved it into his armpit. I'd already spent a few minutes soaking in his cock sweat, but his pits were so much better, wetter with a deeper, muskier smell. I licked at his skin, digging into the hair. Jordan was the kind of guy who shaved most of his body, but his pits each contained thick tufts of dark hair surrounded by hard muscle. I ran my hand over his stomach and flanks.
In a move that almost seemed rehearsed, Jordan raised his legs up onto the coffee table. With one hand he pushed my head down his body and with the other he pushed Dylan under his junk, toward his asshole.
"There you go, dude. Fucking sweaty jock asshole just for you. Get at it. You make me feel good enough, maybe I'll let you fuck me again."
I looked up at Jordan, wondering if he was serious. "It only happened once, and I was drunk."
Dylan pulled out just as Jordan's cock was falling out of my mouth. "He wasn't that drunk," Dylan said before kissing me.
I licked his cheek, "Now you're the one that smells like dick."
Jordan's hands returned to both of our skulls. He pushed me back into his bush and pushed Dylan back into his ass. "Fuck bro, that feels good." He pulled his dick out of my mouth and squeezed it. A thick glob of precum oozed out. He scooped it up with his finger and then rubbed it behind Dylan's ear. The two guys were friends, but they clearly enjoyed fucking with each other. A moment later, Jordan jumped up.
"Watch the teeth."
"Sorry, got a little too excited."
Now standing, Jordan finished his beer and burped loudly. He looked at Dylan and raised an eyebrow. "You think he's game?"
Dylan looked at me and then back at Jordan, "We haven't done it, but yeah, he'll be into it."
"What?" I asked.
"He wants to piss on you." Dylan said. Then he smiled and nipped at my shoulder. His hand ventured down my back and played with my asshole again, "So do I."
He was leading me to the bathroom before I had a chance to consider it. Jordan was in front of me, his perfect ass bouncing with every step. Honestly, the guy was so hot that once I was boned up there was almost nothing that I wouldn't do for him. Add to that the fact that it would get Dylan hot, and I was totally game.
When I was kneeling in the bathtub, Jordan stood up over me, big and wide and muscular. "Look up at him." Dylan said, "And ask him for it."
"Please," I said, looking right into Jordan's eyes, Then suddenly I blushed, more embarrassed to ask than afraid to actually do it. I hesitated.
"Look at this cock." Dylan said to me, holding Jordan's dick in his hand. Then he groped his own dick, "And look at this one. If you love these dicks, you've got to love everything about them. Trust me, when that thick stream hits your chest, you're going to love it."
I looked at Jordan a second time, he was still grinning stupidly. Jordan was sort of like a golden retriever. On some level, even when he was trying to get himself off, he was still interested in pleasing others. What he loved most about the current scenario was that he knew I would love it and that Dylan would love it.
"Piss on me, bro." I said softly.
His dick thickened and before I knew what was happening his wide piss slit opened up and a stream of hot liquid slammed into my chest. The thick arc drilled into my torso. A moment later, Dylan had joined in, blasting the other side of my chest. I was just starting to get a grip on the situation, figuring out whether I liked it, when Jordan moved his stream up over my face and hit me in the forehead. He moved it away quickly, but a cascade of piss washed over my face.
I let some of it into my mouth, surprised that it tasted a little salty, but otherwise fine. I had expected something bitter, but an afternoon of beer drinking had helped water it down.
Getting into the game, I realized that my dick was rock hard, and I reached down to grab it. As I started to jerk myself off in front of these two beautiful men, I opened my mouth and was almost instantly greeted with two streams. I took it into my mouth, let it run down my chest, and then swallowed a mouthful. Dylan grinned wildly.
When it was over, somebody turned on the shower and rinsed me off with warm water. Then a towel was thrown over me. Four hands at first, and then two, rubbed the thick cloth into my skin. The guys were deliberately rough, pushing me around and causing me to trip. I was pushed to my knees when they started to dry my hair and shoved into a man's crotch.
Dylan. I knew it right away. I started to lick at whatever flesh I could find. For all our play that afternoon, I hadn't had my mouth on his dick yet.
As quickly as it started, he lifted me back to my knees. Dylan was completely naked now, burly and bulky and incredibly sexy. He wasn't the kind of guy I would normally describe as hot, but without his clothes on, he looked masculine and strong. He wasn't necessarily the guy I had been looking for, but a guy I was glad to have found.
He kissed me and, as usual, reached around and played with my ass. "If I don't get to fuck you soon, I'm going to die."
We bounded into the bedroom, where Jordan was sprawled out on Dylan's bed, stroking his long cock. It glistened from lube and he looked ready for round two.
"Get off my bed dude," Dylan said, "We've got some fucking to do."
Jordan grinned and gave his dick a squeeze. A thick drop of precum oozed out of the tip. "First, I know you like it when I rub my sweaty ass all over your sheets, so shut the fuck up. Second, I thought it was my turn to fuck this guy. For some reason, you haven't offered yet."
Dylan didn't say anything, but Jordan looked at me and winked. "Get that fat ass over here and sit on my cock. I'm not as big as Dylan, but I fuck like a pro."
I had no doubt that it was true. Dylan fucked like an animal. He didn't perform, wasn't looking for an audience or to impress me, he climbed on top of me, covered as much of me as he could, and then forced our bodies together. Jordan would be different. Jordan cared what his body looked like, cared whether about his performance. It would be like fucking a porn-star, which was a different kind of fun.
Finally Dylan shook his head. "I'm not sure I'm ready to let you at him, yet." Again his hand was on my ass, his fingers searching for my hole. When he found it, he dug in, "I kind of like that I'm the only guy he gives this up for. Strong top dude, putting out for a stronger stud like me. If he sluts it up with you, it might change things."
Jordan sighed. "Whatever, are you going to at least blow me?"
"You know what I really want to do." Dylan stated to Jordan.
"Never going to happen again."
There was a loud sigh from behind me. Dylan grabbed my shoulder and walked me forward to the bed. "Lay down on top of him." he said.
I crawled onto Jordan. Dylan positioned me so that I was chest to chest, on my hands and knees, over Jordan. I looked down at the blond stud and then licked at his armpit. He grabbed my chin and kissed me before shoving my face into his chest. I mashed my cheek against his hard pectoral muscle as Dylan grabbed onto my hips and lifted my ass into the air. I felt his knees on either side of me depress the mattress and then he pushed his dick against my asshole. I braced myself for what I knew would be a hard entry.
I'd had Dylan's cock inside my body in more ways than I could name. He'd taken me every way possible, sometimes gently rocking me back and forth as our foreheads pressed against each other and sometimes grinding my face into the carpet as he dicked me down. Every time, no matter how it was going to go, it took me a few minutes to get used to his size. His dick was massive, and the human body just wasn't made for something like that.
Just as Dylan started to shove in, Jordan grabbed my jaw and directed my head up towards him. "Look at me," he growled. "That's part of what gets me off." I felt his dick bounce against my stomach. He wasn't joking. The guy was super into seeing me get covered by my guy.
I winced as Dylan shoved his dick into me. Then he grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. I had two guys fighting for my attention, but I gave it to Dylan. I turned my head around and met him for a kiss. As his tongue snaked into my mouth, he pushed inch after inch of his cock into me.
Jordan laughed and then tussled my hair, "It's like a disappearing act, watching Dylan shove his cock up inside a guy." Then he backed up onto his knees and sat against the headboard. He planted each foot on the bed and lifted his ass a little off the bed. Dylan grabbed my skull and pushed it between Jordan's legs.
Jordan loved having his balls and taint licked. He thought it was demeaning and submissive. "Fucking suck my nuts while you take that dick, bitch," he said as he pulled my face into his balls.
I was lapping at this ball sack and then Dylan's face was next to mine. He continued to pile drive my asshole, long hard thrusts punching me in the guts, but he dove onto Jordan's dick like it was the last dick on earth. Together, we worked it over, Jordan's hand occasionally coming into play to jerk himself off.
"Dirty fucking boys," Jordan groaned as he pulled on his shaft, "Gonna make out with my cum, aren't you? Worship my baby batter like it deserves."
Normally it was the kind of comment that would turn Dylan off, but in his sex haze he was willing to be a little submissive, with Jordan at least.
Dylan continued to fuck me hard. He pressed his hips against mine and I collapsed into the bed. While he jammed into me, he wrapped his arms around my chest, squeezing the air out of my lungs. I knew he was close. This was the way he got. It was like he was trying to crawl up into me or press us both together into one body. In these last few minutes, I felt like I was being completely owned by the beast.
I glanced upward and Jordan had a finger in Dylan's mouth, playing with his lips. The connection between the two men was intense, and I would have been jealous if I hadn't spent enough time with the two of them to know they were playing around. As I watched, Jordan pulled Dylan's mouth open and spit into it. Dylan turned to me and started to make out with me, pushing Jordan's spit into my mouth.
"Fuck." Jordan moaned, "Here it fucking comes."
Dylan grabbed my head and pulled me back. Then he dove onto Jordan's cock. He took it into his mouth and grabbed the shaft hard. He yanked on Jordan a couple of times and then I saw Jordan's dick start to throb and spasm in his lips. Dylan stared at me the whole time, let me know that I was the main player in this game, at least in his mind.
I watched him take Jordan's load into his mouth as his pace in my ass picked up. He was close, his body was spasming and twitching as he tried to retain control. Then he smiled at me and pulled my head back. He came down on me with his whole weight while he shoved his mouth against mine. Just as Jordan's cum was pushed into my mouth, his dick exploded in my ass.
We made out while Dylan fucked his load into me. I could tell it was a lot, because it was already running out of my ass. The making out got messy fast, with both of us covered in spit and cum. Dylan licked it off my face while he pushed the last drops of his load up into guts.
I was savoring the flavor when Dylan grabbed onto my dick and took it into his fist. He squeezed it hard and then started to jerk me off. I was so boned up that only his touch was enough to put me over the edge. He shoved me forward, his dick still deep inside of me, and pushed me into Jordan cum covered crotch.
"Get up in those nuts, boy." Jordan growled, "Fucking lick those stud balls. Take a whiff and get a good taste of all that testosterone and muscle. Think about that for a while before you cum."
Jordan opened up his legs and moved his feet up and down my back, then I started to shoot all over the bed. I ground the head of my cock into Dylan's sheets while he fisted my dick.
When it was all over, Dylan moved off of me in one direction and I rolled over in the other, we were facing each other with Jordan's cock between us. It was soft now, but still pretty thick, laying lazily across his muscular thigh. Dylan finally sat up.
"That was awesome."
"Got a little gay at the end," Jordan said.
"That's what I was thinking when you started to stare into my boyfriends eyes." Dylan added.
It was the first time he'd called me his boyfriend, and as soon as he said it our eyes locked. Jordan was already off the bed, but Dylan flashed me a smile to let me know that he wasn't going to walk the comment back.
Jordan grabbed a t shirt off the floor. "There's cum on your bed."
"I like it." Dylan said. "Reminds me what the bed is for."
He rolled over and grabbed onto me, wrapping his legs around my torso. Then he called out to Jordan, "Close the door when you leave, ok?
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